I have always been intensely tactile, I can't walk through a room or shop without caressing surfaces or fabrics - curious as to how they feel, the same has been with peoples skin. I would spend hours as a child stroking my Grandmas skin - I realise now I know the skin of those that I love so intimately - the texture, the colour, the scent, and the warmth. I guess without realising it I have been obsessed with skin and touch from a very early age.
Everyones skin to me is a beautiful piece of fabric - a unique weave, thread, and cut. It is the interface between our soul and the world outside, it has the ability to protect us, to keep us warm, to warn us, to experience immeasurable pleasure and comfort flooding our bodies with hormones, enhancing our immune system and lowering our blood pressure. It whispers messages from the outside to our internal eco system our nervous system and our spirit. Without it we would fail to survive, and without touch we fail to thrive.
We didn't have to work for it - our own individual fabric was woven for us and given to us at birth, it is powerful, it is a gift - Love it, care for it and nurture it with everything that it deserves.